Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Warning Signs

The Warning Signs

Critics went on to say that the great nation was paying the price for failing to live up to its obligations to its weak and to its poor as embodied in the spirit of its highest law. Corporate interests, world banks, prestigious law firms and political institutions like the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations had kidnapped the Constitution and held it for ransom.
PAC (Political Action Committees) and influential lobbyist, laden with gifts and donations, were allowed to erode the system from within, until America no longer possessed the fiber to reverse the pervasive corruption.
They further asserted that America’s fate was sealed with the importation of African slaves and the slaughter of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.
She was now reaping the harvest of her own immoral seeds. The debt that she owned for her improvidence, selfishness, paranoia and greed was being called in on the margin. On scorching winds of outraged, voices warned of impending disaster.
The warning signs were everywhere.
The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, the Korean and Vietnam conflicts, and the Cuban missile crisis should have been enough. The massive and utter failure of American school systems to educate the nation’s youth should have warranted a national emergency.
The growing number of militias denouncing the federal government and advocating genocidal destruction for the enemies of the white race should have been called what it was, home grown terrorism. The wholesale spread of drugs, violence, and pornography should have polarized a Christian nation in defense of her mortal soul.
The growing rage and out cries of America's frustrated youth, evidenced in their fascination with the morbid and occult, should have been enough to force her to seriously consider a departure from the present course. Not even the reverse-industrialization of America, the corporate plundering and takeovers, the declining purchasing power of the dollar or the multi-trillion dollar federal budget deficit couldn’t awaken the nation from her coma. A coma perpetuated by ‘I Love Lucy’ re-runs, Monday Night Football, and the Home Shopper’s Network.
To a growing number of her people, America represented the democratic ideal but never the reality. They felt that it only served the powerful while sacrificing the dreams and ambitions of its children to feed its lustful and shameful appetite for control and domination.
The blood of its native sons spilled on the beaches, in the jungles and over the desserts throughout the world. All in the name of democracy. To bring to the world what she was failing to preserve at home.
Democracy requires an educated and informed electorate for one. The masses were never encouraged to think nor were they informed, instead, they were fed a steady diet of misinformation and propaganda.
Politicians, economist and the press had regularly assured the pubic that this catastrophe could never come about, but it had. And, now that it had, they assured the American people that the worst was over and that the present changes in American laws and government were necessary sacrifices for holding the nation together. However, they were wrong again. The worse was crouching in wait in the tall grass of the not too distant future.

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